Life Insurance provides invaluable financial security to your family and the loved ones. While there is no clear cut answer as to what should be your life cover, we try help you get close to this by looking at your financial planning and all aspects of your current asset and liabilities-For example, we take into account your annual household expenses, your car, home and personal loans, future goals like child higher education, their marriages and retirement etc. As you may know, the premium payable is dependent on how much life risk cover you have taken. To help you and your family protected, we suggest you various Life Insurance plans, suiting your and your family's requirement. It can be a pure term plan, pure term plan with return of premium, unit linked insurance plans (ULIP) etc. while ensuring that not only you have adequate life coverage but also saving taxes on the premiums paid and have a handsome amount in hand at maturity.
Our team has extensive training on life and health insurance products which enables us help you make an informed decision for whatever the reason you may have - whether it is the protection of a loved one or self, the education or marriage of children or a confident retirement.
Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that pays for your medical expenses including hospitalization and critical illness. Health insurance reimburses the expenses incurred on medical treatment or illness directly to the hospital in cashless manner. There are different types of health insurance plans, such as individual health insurance, known as Mediclaim, family health insurance, critical illness insurance, etc. Purchasing a health insurance should be an integral part of your financial planning.
With the constant increasing prices of medical treatment and hospitalization and rapid rise in instances of diseases, today health Insurance is a must have necessity. While health risks and uncertainties are a part of life, one can be fully prepared for the financial aspect by buying health insurance. Payments made towards health insurance premiums are also eligible for tax deductions under section 80D of the Income Tax Act. Individuals up to 60 years of age can claim a deduction of up to Rs. 25,000 for the health insurance premium paid for themselves, or for their spouse or children. One can also claim another Rs. 50,000 as deduction if you buy health insurance for your parents aged 60 years and above
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